Welcome in the holiday season with this exciting scramble at the Yreka YMCA on Saturday, December 7, 2024. The fun starts at 8:00 a.m. and will end around 1:00 p.m.

Scramble Details
8:00 AM Arrival. Play starts at 8:30.
Yreka YMCA
350 N Foothill Dr, Yreka, CA 96097
Special thanks to Scramble Director Ted Tsudama
We have two goals: 1) To have a fun, mildly competitive time and 2) To raise funds to improve Shasta Valley pickleball.
There will be at least three groups:
- Intermediate Soft: (approximately 2.0-3.25) For beginning to intermediate pickleball players that play a softer and more gentle game of pickleball.
- Intermediate Hard: (approximately 2.75-3.5) For intermediate pickleball players that enjoy a more fast-paced game.
- Advanced: (approximately 3.5+) For intermediate to advanced pickleball players who have both a soft and fast-paced game at the advanced and highly competitive level.
- Four brackets: There will most likely be four brackets, so please put your name on whatever list fits you best, and we will try to make four brackets of players that make the most sense.
We expect the groups to fill up fast so register right away by going to www.playtimescheduler.com. For details on exactly how to use Playtime Scheduler, see our Shasta Valley Pickleball page here on this website.
The directors reserve the right to place players at the level that is most appropriate for their level play and the level play of others in their bracket.
Participation fee:
- $15 for members, $25 for non-members
- Bring a fun finger-food (optional)